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The source of water is the key cell for the survival of all living things and the ecological environment: water is also a social resource, and an important element for the ecological civilization and sustainable development of the whole society.

Jiangsu Volkswagen Water Group Co., Ltd. is an environmental protection enterprise, which is rooted in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province and focuses on water treatment. Since its establishment 20 years ago, the company has always kept in mind that the enterprise is based on the value of creation, adhering to the development goal of all for the public and "benefiting oneself and the world", insisting on energy saving and emission reduction, meeting the emission standards as its responsibility, based on environmental protection industry, and serving the public.

In recent years, benefiting from the good background of rapid social and economic development in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, the company's operation scale and water treatment volume have been growing rapidly. At present, with the rapid development of environmental protection, especially water treatment industry, the company has formed a new round of development planning and internal control system to regulate its own behavior. Companies strive to consciously adjust their mental state to the best; work standards to the best; self-requirements to the most stringent. Consciousness determines responsibility and responsibility creates value. To satisfy shareholders, promote enterprise progress, make employees grow up, and develop for the harmonious society should be our business philosophy, but also our social responsibility.

Good as water, thick as cargo. Standing at a new starting point and looking forward to the future, the company will actively explore and innovate in the fields of water resources protection, water environment management and water ecological restoration. It will do its best to adhere to the relationship between enterprises and employees, partners, social government and ecological environment: as always, the sky is bluer and the earth is greener in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. Clear water fulfills our social responsibilities and fulfills our social commitments.


All rights ?Jiangsu dazong water group co ltd Su icp 19052063 32030302000816

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