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Qingshanquan subsidiary

Qingshan Spring Company is located in Qingshan Spring Town, Jiawang District, Xuzhou. The total design scale is 20,000 tons per day. The first phase of the project has been put into operation, and the sewage treatment scale is 10,000 tons per day. The first phase of the project was invested by the government. Construction started in July 2012 and was completed and put into operation in June 2013. In 2018, the government of Jiawang District selected Jiangsu Volkswagen Water Group as the winning bidder through open bidding on the Internet to carry out technical renovation of Qingshan Spring Phase I Project. The first phase of technical renovation project, with a total investment of 45 million yuan, started construction on August 18, 2018, completed acceptance on January 16, 2019, and operated through water. The effluent is in accordance with Grade A standard of GB18918-2002. The normal operation of Qingshan Spring Subsidiary Company has played a positive role in increasing the total volume and scale efficiency of Jiangsu Volkswagen Water Group. At the same time, it also provides an important guarantee for the water environment security of Qingshan Spring Basin in Jiawang District.

All rights ?Jiangsu dazong water group co ltd Su icp 19052063 32030302000816

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